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Fearless girl guide an Everyday Heroes finalist for rescue effort

Emily Scofield, finalist in the 2024 QBANK Everyday Heroes Awards

What’s happening?

Rockhampton Girl Guides Junior Leader, Emily Scofield, was named a finalist in the 2024 QBANK Everyday Heroes Awards for her bravery during a rescue effort at a Girl Guides District Camp.

At just 16, she was recognised in the Young Everyday Hero category.

Why it Matters?

Emily’s courageous actions during an emergency prevented what could have been a tragedy.

This recognition shows the vital role of youth leaders and how programs like Girl Guides foster critical skills such as leadership and emergency response.

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Emily described the situation, recalling, “A canoe with three girls aged under eight and their Guide leader had capsized. One of the girls had been swarmed by a nest of wasps. She was extremely panicked in the water.”

She immediately swam to rescue the two girls while the leader helped the injured girl. “I assisted in first aid, helped keep her warm, reassured her, and kept her distracted until emergency services arrived.”

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The QBANK Everyday Heroes Awards celebrate exceptional individuals across Queensland’s police, fire, health, ambulance, corrections, public service, and volunteer sectors.

Each finalist received recognition for their outstanding contribution to the community.

Local Impact

Emily’s actions showcase how the Girl Guides program contributes to youth development. Reflecting on her experience, Emily said, “Girl Guides has made a huge difference in my life. I love my role as a Junior Leader and enjoy being a positive influence on the younger girls.”

What to look for next

Stay tuned for the announcement of the next QBANK Everyday Heroes Award winners, as the community continues to recognise outstanding acts of bravery and dedication in Queensland.

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