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Expanding Farm Financial Skills in Central Queensland

Expanding Farm Financial Skills in Central Queensland
image courtesy of

Central Queensland Farmers Gain a Valuable Edge

Primary producers in Central Queensland are in for a treat this November as Rabobank-sponsored Financial Skills Workshops come to Rockhampton and Theodore.

These workshops are a fantastic opportunity to enhance financial literacy, network, and gain practical skills vital for managing agricultural enterprises. Best of all, they’re completely free!

A Community-Focused Initiative

The Rabo Client Council, a group of the bank’s farming clients dedicated to the sustainability of rural communities, is spearheading and funding this initiative.

These interactive workshops offer hands-on guidance, demystifying financial statements and banking requirements.

They delve into topics like taxation vs. management accounting, essential business management ratios, and understanding a business’s financial profile.

Learning from the Experts

Sally McGilvray, a Rabo Client Council member and beef producer, highlighted the significance of these workshops. “The workshops provide understanding and insights for running and managing the day-to-day aspects of agricultural enterprises from a business perspective,” she said.

In the face of a drier summer, this knowledge becomes even more critical for Central Queensland producers.

Tailored for Success

These workshops take an enterprise-focused approach, separately addressing beef and cropping enterprises. They consider the cash flow implications of various choices and focus on preparing annual cash flow budgets.

Attendees at previous workshops have praised the practical, valuable information they can apply directly to their businesses.

Unlocking Financial Opportunities

For primary producers, a deeper understanding of their enterprise is not just about better business management but also about making financing endeavours more successful.

When approaching financiers for additional funds or new ventures, this enhanced financial insight can be a game-changer.

Valuable Insights from Rabobank

Rabobank regional manager Brad James highlighted the underutilised power of financial reports for many agricultural enterprises.

These workshops aim to bridge this gap by offering targeted and comprehensive education led by Rabo Client Council members.

Dates to Remember

Don’t miss out! These workshops are open to everyone and not restricted to the bank’s clients.

They will be limited to 30 participants each and presented by Tony Hudson, the director of Hudson Facilitation.

– Tuesday, 14 November 2023 – 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Rockhampton

– Wednesday, 15 November 2023 – 8:30 am – 3:30 p.m. – Theodore

Enhance your financial skills, network with like-minded agricultural enthusiasts, and secure your spot before they’re fully allocated.

Get ready to give your agricultural enterprise the boost it deserves!

To register to participate in the workshops, visit