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AgForce: Navigating Challenges and Forging Paths in 2024

AgForce: Navigating Challenges and Forging Paths in 2024

As the echoes of the past year resonate, AgForce gears up for a dynamic 2024, focusing on pivotal industry issues and unwavering support for its members.

The aftermath of ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper continues to impact Queensland, demanding ongoing cleanup and recovery efforts, where AgForce pledges steadfast aid to the affected primary producers.

Land Use Dynamics: A Key Concern for the Year

Amidst looming local and state elections, land use emerges as a paramount concern.

The intersection of renewables, resources, and transmission lines remains a focal point. AgForce stands resolute in advocating that agricultural needs be integral to decision-making processes.

Recognising that consultation with land custodians is imperative before erecting transmission lines is a core principle AgForce champions.

Political Engagements and Policy Adoption

The run-up to the October state election sees AgForce striving to have its policies embraced across party lines.

The goal is to ensure a comprehensive understanding of agriculture’s nuances, championed by members and policy committees.

Local government, crucial in regional development, is equally pivotal in AgForce’s considerations, ensuring agricultural interests in regional planning.

Events and Diversification Initiatives

Amidst strategic planning sessions and the Reef Consensus Statement, AgForce eagerly anticipates significant events in 2024.

Their presence at Rockhampton’s Beef Week in May underscores their commitment to engaging with members on the ground.

Diversification initiatives remain a priority, seeking markets beyond sugar for cane farmers.

Looking Ahead with AgForce

With a flurry of engagements and initiatives on the horizon, AgForce encourages participation in conferences, newsletters like “Action,” and the Envoy magazine.

Members are urged to connect with regional managers for clarity amidst this plethora of opportunities.

AgForce stands poised on the cusp of a transformative year, advocating, engaging, and driving initiatives that resonate deeply within the agricultural landscape.